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Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

a poor parrot

the picture from http://newshealth.net
One day, a man went into a pet shop. “I’d like a parrot that talks” he said. The shop assistant said “I’m sorry sir, but you have to teach your parrot to speak”. So the man bought a parrot and took it home with him.
A week later he went back to the pet shop. “My parrot still doesn’t speak” he said. “Oh really? Well perhaps he’s bored. You should buy this little swimming pool. He can have a swim and then he might talk” explained the shop assistant. So he bought the swimming pool and went home.
The next week the man come back again. “He’s still not talking” he said. “Oh dear. Buy this mirror. He’ll swim in the pool get out and look at himself then talk”. So the man bought the mirror and went away.
A week later he came back a final time. “My parrot is dead” he said. “Oh dear! I’m very sorry about that sir – but tell me before he died, did he say anything?” “Yes he did. But only one thing.” “Really? What was that?” “Give me food!” (Just jokes...^^)
Jokes story from BBC.

:f :D :) ;;) :x :$ x( :? :@ :~ :| :)) :( :s :(( :o

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